Ark changes and Patch v257
Our favorite mining spot, the volcano, will finally be a real volcano! Not just that, it will also have the entrance to the new Tek Cave. Most of all thou, I am just happy to see new critters again!...
We play games, that's what we do!
Our favorite mining spot, the volcano, will finally be a real volcano! Not just that, it will also have the entrance to the new Tek Cave. Most of all thou, I am just happy to see new critters again!...
A new update has been released! This one comes with over 50 emotes and several bug and exploit fixes. Patch changelog: Patch Highlights EXPLOIT FIX: You can no longer raid bases in an unintended way by...
Ghost Recon Wildlands was released March the 7th and has been on my radar for a long time. Now after around 24 hours of game time, I can say it is a lot of fun. You...
New dungeon, recipies, armor and weapons. Patch Highlights NEW CONTENT: Added a new dungeon “The Dregs” Re-enabled the hammer secondary attack Disabled 2H spear secondary attack Further tweaks to NPC camps (especially capitals) to allow them...
Finally a new patch is out! Announcing the Exploit Hunters! We’re still in the early days of our Early Access adventure and there is a lot work left to be done before final release of Conan...
Horizon Zero Dawn is almost the game that makes me go out and buy a PlayStation 4. Both the look and feeling the game provides is so down my alley it will not be long before I...
Conan Exiles’ Early Access period to last about a year before full launch in 2018. During this period we’ll be adding some major updates to the game in the form of things like The Purge, animal...
Update: Just got informed the patch has a new ETA, the 24th of February. Also the Tek Underwater Base and Tek Power Generator were moved to the end of March. March update (v256) added below. Today...
I am currently working on a interactive map for Conan Exiles. Will add points of interest, resources and thrall locations. Still in early progress but I will try to get it up and running soon. This...
The latest patch notes from Conan Exiles as posted on Steam. UPDATE 23: 6.4.2017 Patch Highlights (NEW CONTENT) The trebuchet siege engine has arrived and can help you tear down enemy walls and fortifications! Can be...