Category: Gaming

What’s new in Gaming

Star Citizen ingame prices updated

We updated the Star Citizen ingame prices. Added icons (3.17.2 – 15.08.2022) Added Crusader Ships (3.17.2 – 15.08.2022) Check run done: New Deal Crusader. (3.17.2 – 15.08.2022) Next up: New Deal, Lorville (3.17.2 – 15.08.2022) Astro...

Ark sale on Steam up to 67% off!

ARK is up to 67% off!

Ark sale on Steam 2022, up to 67% off so head back to your favorite island! Experience everything that the ARK franchise has to offer in this definitive collection! Tame and ride primeval creatures as you...

Star Citizen ingame ship prices

Ship Showdown 2952 Elite Eight – Fly For Free!

Every year, Ship Showdown challenges the community to champion their favorite vehicle. Showdown champion and determine which ship is the true community favorite in 2022. Link to Star Citizen


What’s new? This update includes not only new bug fixes, balance changes and Quality of Life improvements, but also the first of our planned launch map reworks, alongside the initial Style and Tone changes for some...

Star Citizen Patch 3.17.2a

Alpha Patch 3.17.2a has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.17.2-LIVE.8186206. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any...

Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.0

Alpha Patch 3.17.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.17.0-LIVE.8052409. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any...

Battlefield Returns to Steam

There has never been a better time to play Battlefield™! As of June 11, 2020, the franchise is returning to the Steam platform with five timeless titles: Battlefield™ 3, Battlefield™ 4, Battlefield™ Hardline, Battlefield™ 1, and Battlefield™ V.

Conan Exiles – The Frozen North

Far to the north, a vast new land has been discovered. A cold and rugged landscape where snow-capped mountains and dark, haunted forests stretch as far as the eye can see. Here, between the desperate howls...

Ark Griffin

Ragnarok – New Ark Map

At E3 Wildcard announced the release of a new map called Ragnarok. Some of the features include a Griffin. This new one is everyone’s favourite gallant glider. The Griffin Gryphon Magnificum is undoubtedly a sight to behold....


Ark Patch 260

We got a new saber model and a setting for SupplyCrate loot. Below the Patch notes from steam. v260.0 – New Saber Model! The Saber also has increased hide and pelt harvesting capability and reduced fall...