Category: Gaming

Battlefield 4 – Info on Commander Mode

Only in Battlefield will you lead your team in Commander Mode, which lets you take point and turn the tide of battle. Creative Director Lars Gustavsson delivers the intel on this fan-favorite feature. Learn more at...

War Thunder

Had some time again to play War Thunder.  I meant to play World of War Planes, but the current state and how it looks doesn’t seem that appealing. So here is a video I created with...

Defiance breaks the million milestone

Trion Worlds announced that Defiance has surpassed a million registered users in its first month. Defiance is a MMORPG shooter with an open world terrain where you can hop on your all terrain vehicle and ride...

Call of Duty: Ghosts teaser

There are those who wear masks to protect themselves. And there are those who wear masks to protect us all. See the world premiere of Call of Duty: Ghosts May 21st.

Battlefield 4 page launched

Dice launched the page for Battlefield 4. Currently it only holds the text “Come Back March 27th”. With less than a week to go I am really looking forward to see what they will reveal.

Blaze through the skies with War Thunder

War Thunder is a Free-to-play MMO historical war plane game. It has a lot of options and planes you can choose from. In War Thunder you gain experience which allows you to get access to better...

A Quick look at Arma 3 Alpha

Arma 3 looks and feels familiar, yet prettier and easier to maneuver then Arma 2. Lots of new features and improvements have been made. Keep in mind it’s only in Alpha but still runs great even...

Firefall – Beta weekend

This weekend, step into the world of Firefall for our Firefall Beta Weekend! Now is your chance to take to the skies to battle the Chosen and explore the vibrant world of New Eden. Using jetpacks...