Conan Exiles: Patch 25 – 25.4.2017
A new update has been released!
This one comes with over 50 emotes and several bug and exploit fixes.
Patch changelog:
Patch Highlights
- EXPLOIT FIX: You can no longer raid bases in an unintended way by falling through the game world
- EXPLOIT FIX: On death it is no longer possible to loot containers before respawning
- EXPLOIT FIX: Fixed item duplication related to religion placeables
- EXPLOIT FIX:Players no longer receive heads back from dismantling trophies
- Thralls will no longer attack new clan recruits
- Repair hammer can now be used outside of raid times
- Changing message of the day without admin access will no longer kick you to main menu
- Boxes and Chests are now damaged by Explosive jars.
- Added 50+ new emotes (see list below)
Visual Improvements
- Fixed various text issues in character creation screen
- Graphical improvements to ghosts
- Shield block animation improvements
- Centered the Message of the day window
Balance and Gameplay Fixes
- EXPLOIT FIX: You can no longer raid bases in an unintended way by falling through the game world
- Ancient Shield now requires Steel Bars, as intended
- Snare effects are now multiplicative, not additive
- Thralls will no longer attack new clan recruits
- EXPLOIT FIX:Players no longer receive heads back from dismantling trophies
- Bow/Crossbow projectiles no longer begin where reticule is
- Boxes and Chests are now damaged by Explosive jars.
- Updates PvE rulesets. You can now die of hunger/thirst/poisoning on PvE servers
General Bug Fixes and Improvements
- EXPLOIT FIX: On death it is no longer possible to loot containers before respawning
- EXPLOIT FIX: Fixed item duplication related to religion placeables
- Allow mousewheel scrolling in the chat gui
- Added emotes
- Given existing players a set of emotes
- Repair hammer can now be used outside of raid times
- Being knocked back while using the surrender emote will no longer leave your character unplayable
- Changing message of the day without admin access will no longer kick you to main menu
- Trees/rocks/foliage destruction is no longer delayed when destroyed by Avatars
- Kushite Archer thralls will now attack enemies more than once
- Made chest band on female heavy armor dyeable
- Players can no longer build within the corruption around the Unnamed City or inside the city walls
- No longer able to place vaults on Altars
- Seeing dead people can now lead to great rewards
- Health is now correct when dying and logging out when dead
- [Local] If you put stackable items (arrows) in a container and restart, stacksize of the first arrow stack will no longer set to 1
- Artisan recipes now require the proper prerequisites
- “Craft All” button should now calculate total available products correctly
- Shortcut bar will no longer get filled up with phantom items
- Avatar Tokens now decay properly
- Human flesh now stacks properly
- Disabled ability to move during certain emotes
Text and Localization
- Various localization updates
- Imported Spanish emotes and recompiled the UI target
Emote list
(Learned by interacting with an object)
- Grovel
- Ponder
- Big clap
- Small clap
- Point
- Bear hug
- Shrug
- Surrender
(Learned by watching dancers)
- Aquilonian dance
- Cimmerian dance
- Khitan dance
- Warrior dance
- Belly dance
- Seductive dance
(Learned by interacting with an object)
- Laying seductively
- Squirming
- Come here
- Spank
- Blow kiss
- Show off
- Comb hair
- Flirt 1
- Flirt 2
(Given to players after character creation)
- Salute
- Wave
- Bow
(Learned by interacting with an object)
- Kneel
- “By Mitra!”
- “By Set!”
- “By Crom!”
- “By Yog!”
- Pray sitting
- Pray standing
(Given to players after character creation)
- Sit on ground
- Sleep on ground
(Learn by interacting with a world object)
- Cross arms
- Submissive
- Shift weight
- Score
- Small laugh
- Big laugh
- Sigh
- Yawn
- Wounded
- Shake fist (Given to players after character creation)