Ark Patch 260
We got a new saber model and a setting for SupplyCrate loot. Below the Patch notes from steam.
– New Saber Model! The Saber also has increased hide and pelt harvesting capability and reduced fall damage.
– New Item: Tek Trough! Powered by the Tek Generator, this trough refrigerates food and keeps it fresh longer.
– New host option ?bAllowPlatformSaddleMultiFloors=true (Game.ini) / Allow Multiple Platform Floors.
– New host options SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier and FishingLootQualityMultiplier (from 1 to 5).
– New host option to allow unlimited respecs. ?bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=true
– New host option to disable respawn animation. ?PreventSpawnAnimations=true
– CraftingSkillBonusMultiplier is now properly shown in the host menu.
– Running with -nomansky sky now looks considerably more like truesky.
– Added tooltips to all host settings in the host menu.
– Crosshairs, TPV Camera, and PVP Gamma enabled by default in Server Rules settings.
– Crafting requirements are now listed alphabetically.
– Tribes are now automatically created in singleplayer.
– Placement outline on structures now indicates direction via color change.
– Added improved hovering animation to Argent and Ptera.
– Reworked boss summon requirements to have specific artifacts for each of the bosses.
– Added new apex drops (Giga Heart, Basilo Blubber, Spino Sail, Yuty Lungs, Allo Brain, Therizino Claws, Thylaleo Hook-Claw, Megalania Toxin, Sarco Skin, Titanoboa Venom).
– Kibble recipes for all kibble added to the loot table from wild dinos.
– Changed artifact crates into their proper artifact mesh.
– Quetzal can now fit through giant hatchframes.
– Ankylo now gathers berries with the alt-fire (RMB) instead of primary-fire (LMB).
– Added appropriate difficulty to spawn areas on The Center spawn screen.
– Updated tamed/untamed icons in the Explorer Notes.
– Rex capsule is now increased to appropriately fit it’s size.
– Added blinking animations that were missing to some legacy creatures.
– Added swimming animations that were missing to some creatures.
– All land dinos can now attack in water (either primary-fire or alt-fire).
– All land dinos now have proper sounds for walking in water and swimming in water.
– All land dinos now have proper jump landing sounds.
– Added the final missing eating sound for creatures.
– Biome specific combat music now plays when the player is on a creature.
– Added new FPV animation for climbing ladders.
– Tek Cave door now stays open longer in singleplayer.
– Obelisk now has an ambient sound.
– Wild Manta aggro range decreased.
– Eurypterid spawn numbers increased by 50%.
– Increased levels of cave creatures.
– Improved rain particle VFX.
– Greatly reduced the Element cost of running the Tek Generator.
– Removed the Element cost for using the Tek Teleporter.
– Bred dinos now properly indicate who they were raised by on their tooltip.
– Added proper Procoptodon saddle icon.
– Added proper Basilo saddle icon.
– Prevented multiple floors from being built underneath rafts and platform saddles.
– Slingshot does 25% less torpor per hit.
– Spear impact volume increased by 20%.
– Decreased pelt and hide harvesting by the Direwolf (still 15% better than other carnivores, minus Saber).
– Increased the speed of crop growth and the beer barrel in singleplayer when using ‘Singleplayer Settings’.
– Doubled the rate of oil and element consumption in singleplayer only on the gas generator and tek generator.
– The cost of gasoline in singleplayer has been increased to 6 oil and 5 hide for 5 gasoline.
– Artifact respawn timer set to 30 minutes in singleplayer.
– Allowed Trophy Wall-Mount and Base to be paintable.
– Fixed flyers you can base on from consuming more food that intended.
– You can now fish while on a Pelagornis.
– Potential fix for dinos being able to give and take damage through walls
– Ragnarok singleplayer data has moved.
Within this folder, move your Ragnarok save file and player data (LocalPlayer.arkprofile) in SavedArksLocal into it’s own Ragnarok folder (the folder will be created once you load Ragnarok again for the first time since the patch).