Conan Exiles – Interactive Map
I am currently working on a interactive map for Conan Exiles. Will add points of interest, resources and thrall locations. Still in early progress but I will try to get it up and running soon. This...
We play games, that's what we do!
I am currently working on a interactive map for Conan Exiles. Will add points of interest, resources and thrall locations. Still in early progress but I will try to get it up and running soon. This...
After one day of playing Battlefield Open Beta I can say that the game has small difficulties, but nothing big. All in all it is a great game. It has everything from riding a tank through...
This weekend, step into the world of Firefall for our Firefall Beta Weekend! Now is your chance to take to the skies to battle the Chosen and explore the vibrant world of New Eden. Using jetpacks...
delonewolf plays some more PlanetSide 2. Using his new rocket launcher, The Grinder. Remember to check out his channel for some EvE Online talk and other videos.
Check out delonewolf playing and testing Planet Side 2 beta. His YouTube channel can be found here,