Next up for Conan Exiles. Dye armor, trebuchet and Thrall animations
Here are some of the upcoming features.
The trebuchet
The powerful trebuchet will let you bring down your enemy’s defenses before storming their keep, or force them out from hiding as their well-crafted walls come crashing down.
The trebuchet is a complex siege weapon though, and it will be both costly to make and cumbersome to transport. Once you have set it up you must guard it well, or a rapid counterattack from the enemy may destroy your valuable war machine before you even get to fire a single shot.
Dyeing system
New system to dye your clothes and armor. You will be able to gather color pigments from many resources and craft them into dyes. Each piece of cloth or armor is able to hold several different colors, so you can choose to color the individual parts of each piece differently. Being able to dye clothes like this will be especially useful for clans, as they can for example choose a set of clan colors which makes it easier to separate friend from foe in the heat of battle.
Thrall animations
Right now the thralls you have captured and placed at your crafting benches, like for example blacksmiths or carpenters, kneel by their stations. We are working on fitting animations for these thralls, so you will be able to see them performing their craft. They will be hammering out iron, stirring pots or sawing wood. Look forward to your crafting hall being turned into a den of bustling activity.
We hope to introduce the trebuchet, dyeing system and thrall animations within the next few updates.
Ongoing fixes and improvements:
- Adding new features and content
- Improving the artificial intelligence for creatures and NPCs
- Fixing general bugs and glitches
- Adjusting floating assets, such as resources or foliage
- Balancing the crafting and progression system
- Introducing more types of thralls
- Introducing more types of craftable items
- Introducing more types of creatures
- Introducing more lore and story elements
- Introducing more placeables such as traps