WoW – Patch 5.1: Landfall
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria has been patched to 5.1. Landfall.
The Pandaren Campaign begins!
- The conflict between the Horde and the Alliance has ignited a new series of daily quests along the shore of the Krasarang Wilds.
- Players can visit their faction strongholds in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to begin the quest to summon their war fleets to the continent of Pandaria.
- Players will both valiantly defend their faction’s outpost and assault the opposing faction’s headquarters.
- Two new Reputations have been added: Alliance players can earn reputation with Operation: Shieldwall, while Horde players will curry favor with the Dominance Offensive.
- Players can follow the story of the Pandaren Campaign through a series of special quests tied to their reputation with the landing forces. Heroes assisting with the war effort will join key characters and faction leaders as the growing conflagration spreads across Pandaria… as well as other locations around Azeroth.
- Players can slay rival NPCs and opposing faction players along the shore to earn commissions that can be spent to upgrade their faction’s base.
- Look for strategic objectives to capture, including graveyards and towers. Commissions can be spent to recruit guards that will help protect this captured territory!
- Players who are truly dedicated to their faction can spend their commissions on an item that will give their fellows an extra reputation group quest for the day. Horde players can speak with Ongrom Black Tooth, while Alliance players can contact Proveditor Grantley for details.
Rest of the patch notes: